About Us

Welcome to Jedi-Sec!

Jedi-Sec, also known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Cyber Security International Civilian Division, is a community-driven initiative dedicated to safeguarding the digital universe with precision, expertise, and cutting-edge technology. Founded by Joshua Havens and Jonathan Clements, our mission is to create a safer digital world through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to ethical practices.

Who We Are

Jedi-Sec brings together a diverse group of experts passionate about cybersecurity and digital rights. Our team consists of members of Anonymous, a collective of skilled individuals dedicated to protecting digital freedoms and ensuring the security of online spaces. We work closely with organizations such as WikiLeaks and Jar2 to promote transparency, accountability, and digital security.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be your trusted partner in security, delivering comprehensive solutions that safeguard your digital assets. We aim to anticipate and neutralize threats before they become a problem, ensuring the peace of mind of individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide.

Our Services

Our Values

Our Approach

Why Choose Us?

Join us at Jedi-Sec and become part of a community dedicated to securing the digital universe. Together, we can create a safer, more secure future for all.

For more information, please contact:

May the force of security be with you!